hello, this is me.

I am way too many things to put into a blog. But i'm gonna try. Get ready for some awesome sauce.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankfulness- Part 4

Today we did this kind of awkward thing at school. Instead of having a chapel with all of the students, we had individual chapels for the seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshman. I don't think I was the only one who was dreading it. I could feel the beginnings of a migraine stirring in the depths of my brain, and I just wanted to hang out with friends, not really pay attention. But that chapel was awesome. At the end we did this kinda cheesy thing where we wrote encouraging notes to people. But it wasn't cheesy (surprisingly). This was genuine and actually really cool. I got a note from someone who I haven't said two words to since freshman year that was really just genuinely encouraging. It ended with "You are loved unconditionally Katie. Always remember that". It made my day so much better, especially because I knew he meant it. Not in the creepy, crush type way.. Just that the senior class at my school loves each other. We're a community. Which is why number 4 on my thankful list is Community.

The community at my school is unlike any other community I've ever been a part of. My school is small, just over 600. My class is the smallest, at about 115. Things get a little cramped sometimes, but our class just cares about each other. It's obvious. We all know each other and we're comfortable (mostly) with each other. Coming together this year to lead our school has really grown us as individuals and as a community. It's super hard to explain, but all I know is that I'm so thankful for it. It's incredible, and all I can say is that I hope whatever college I choose will have something at least similar to this. It's a really unique experience to be in fellowship with probably 100 other believers (yes I realize that they aren't all Christians) that are my own age, going through the same academic and emotional processes that I am. I'm so grateful.

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